Aleapow Cordless Drill Not Working (8 Fixes)

Aleapow drills are renowned for their versatility and reliability, making them essential tools for a wide range of tasks. However, encountering issues where your Aleapow drill stops working can be both frustrating and disruptive to your projects.

In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, we’ll delve into aleapow cordless drill not working and provide step-by-step solutions to help you identify and resolve the issue, so you can quickly get your Aleapow drill back in action.

First Thing First:

Early Problem: If you have just bought your aleapow drill then it may not be the problem with drill but with user, so please check for user manual for any problem. Otherwise if there is a refund policy and you face not working problem then it is suggested to return it and ask for refund. Aleapow has 30-day return guarantee.

If time has passed for refund then it is suggested to claim warranty if applicable.

Lifespan: The lifespan of Aleapow drill is maximum of 8 month to 15 months depending on price tag if you use 26 hours weekly. If you have used your aleapow for that period it is suggested to buy a new drill machine.

Aleapow Cordless Drill Not Working: (8 Fix)

Here we have some fixes for aleapow drill problems:

1. Trigger Testing:

Activate the trigger and observe its responsiveness. If the trigger proves unresponsive or demonstrates irregular behavior, it may be damaged or worn. A malfunctioning trigger has the potential to impede the correct functioning of the drill.

2. Brush Inspection:

If the trigger checks out, move on to the brushes at the back of the motor. If they are too short to make contact with the commutator (the spinning copper bit at the back of the motor), the drill won’t function. For older tools frequently used, shorter brushes could be a common issue.

Over the course of usage, the brushes within a cordless drill can undergo wear, leading to a decline in power or complete failure.

Conduct a thorough examination of the brushes to identify any indications of wear or damage. If wear is apparent, it is advisable to replace them with compatible Aleapow brush sets.

3. Inspect the Armature:

The armature stands as a critical component within the drill’s motor. Inspect it meticulously for indications of damage, such as burning or discoloration. If you discover any issues with the armature, it is advisable to seek the expertise of a professional technician for possible replacement.

4. Check the Battery:

Start by examining the drill’s battery and its connections if you face aleapow drill battery problems. Ensure the battery is fully charged and correctly inserted into the drill. If you encounter issues, clean the battery connections and try different batteries if available.

For a more in-depth diagnosis, remove the battery and take an ohm reading between contacts. With the trigger depressed, there should be some resistance—neither 0 nor infinite. If the reading is infinite, inspect the trigger by disassembling the drill motor and checking ohms through the trigger posts. It should be 0 when depressed and infinite when not.

If troubleshooting the motor becomes necessary, it may be more practical to invest in a new drill at that point. However, before reaching that conclusion, ensure that the battery is in good condition and delivering the necessary power for optimal drill performance.

5. Check the Switch:

Operate the switch and listen for a distinct clicking sound. If the switch fails to engage or disengage properly, it may require replacement. A malfunctioning switch can prevent the drill from powering on or off correctly.

6. Inspect the Gearbox:

Damage or wear in the gearbox can significantly impact the drill’s performance. Carefully scrutinize the gearbox for any visible signs of damage or wear. If issues are detected, consider replacing the gearbox to restore the drill’s proper functionality.

7. Clean and Lubricate Moving Parts:

Accumulated dirt, debris, or insufficient lubrication in critical moving parts can hinder your aleapow drill’s performance.

Cleaning and Lubrication: Carefully disassemble the drill (adhering to manufacturer guidelines) and meticulously remove dirt or debris from moving components such as the chuck and gears.

Apply the appropriate lubricants to ensure smooth operation. This essential maintenance step can effectively address issues related to friction or jamming.

8. Contact Customer Support:

If your aleapow drill still refuses to work after diligently following the troubleshooting steps, it is advisable to reach out to the manufacturer’s customer support. Their extensive knowledge of their products may lead to additional guidance or a tailored solution to your specific problem.


A non-functioning Aleapow drill can disrupt your work, but with systematic troubleshooting and the proper care, you can often identify and resolve the issue. Regular maintenance, responsible usage, and the utilization of genuine aleapow replacement parts are pivotal in ensuring the longevity and reliability of your drill. Armed with patience and a commitment to proper care, your aleapow drill will continue to be an indispensable tool for all your projects.

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